GUT TEA- image

Designed by Myznik Egor a craft tea-pouch: Gut Tea.

From him Behance website: "The challenge was to make strong differentiation of standard product in increasingly cluttered marketplace. In addition, brand should be positioned in premium-price segment.

The main idea of a new tea brand: perfect quality dew to direct delivery from tea plantation, natural ingredients and proper recipes. We accented German character of the brand to capitalize on wide-broad stereotype of "perfect German quality".

Brand idea found its reflection in original name GUT! and minimal graphic, which underlined naturalness and high quality of product.

Basic principle of tea label's design is a maximum of clear text information on a label, which helps customer to find a specific, "his own" taste and flavor of tea. We rejected a usage of imaginary romantic names of tea sorts (such as, for example "Oriental Night" or "Lake of Stars") and abstract pictures, because they draw customer's attention away from his own associations with tea ingredients and perceived taste. So, tea labels GUT! graphically demonstrate proper recipes and help making right choice. Short numbers of sorts are used instead of imaginary names."

