The Pharma DDS carton is designed to be very easy, discreet to use and and child-resistant. The carton’s dexterous locking mechanism and flexibility to a variety of packaging lines make the concept unique in the market.
Stora Enso Pharma DDSi is a ground-breaking intelligent packaging solution based on the use of a single microchip embedded in the carton. Stora Enso Pharma DDSi records the precise date, time and which pill is removed from the package. By pressing an answer key embedded in the carton, the patient can record how he or she feels and responds to the medical treatment. The carton can have a beeper to remind the patient about the medication. The solution is compatible with the latest mobile technology, which enables such functions as an electronic diary of medication or SMS reminder. The Pharma DDSi solution includes a reader that converts the data from the carton to the PC. The reader has been designed to fit the package precisely, which makes it very easy to use.