Made from 100% post-consumer waste, processed chlorine-free, FSC-certified and produced using biomass energy, Harbor 100 is an environmentally superior copy paper. Unfortunately, from a user's perspective all of this is pretty intangible; making photocopies on eco paper feels just like using the virgin stuff. So, when Change repackaged Harbor 100 exclusively for online retailer Frogfile, their goal was to maximize the perception of difference and "assuage consumer's ‘paper waste guilt". Their solution brings the playfulness of children's cereal packaging into the office environment:
"Each wrapper becomes a ‘ fold by numbers' origami project resulting in an origami tree! Office workers can build a small forest on their desks as a humorous reminder that they are indeed making a difference. Additionally, when stacked, the paper packs create a spruce tree design, complete with a birds nest!"
It's tempting to be cynical about the feasibility of a scenario like this, but when I consider my own office experiences it's not such a stretch to imagine people actually making and displaying these little trees (or at the very least bringing them home for the kids). And a mailroom filled with stacks of this paper, is bound to get noticed. Whether or not the people who experience all of this have any say in the purchase of supplies will depend on the company, but it can't hurt.